freeradius and the current date

Graham Leggett minfrin at
Thu Mar 5 15:56:17 CET 2015

Hi all,

I am looking to perform an LDAP search in freeradius that includes the option to specify users that have not expired, where expiry is contained an a standard LDAP attribute. Something similar to this:


(In other words, I am looking for a suitable unlang attribute that represents “time now on radius server”)

The closest I’ve found are these deprecated one character variables as follows:

Unfortunately they are marked as deprecated with no indication of what replaces them.

The source code for rlm_date seems to indicate that date formatting is possible, but there is no functionality that I can see to provide the current date, which is a shame. Should this module be a good place for this kind of functionality or should I be looking somewhere else for this?


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