pre-proxy ?

Olivier CALVANO o.calvano at
Wed Mar 18 11:48:27 CET 2015

anyone ?

2015-03-18 7:10 GMT+01:00 Olivier CALVANO <o.calvano at>:

> Hi
> I am new in Freeradius and i am search a small help.
> - I receive a Radius Access request of the radius of my supplier.
> this Radius have the ip address
> - Based on the realm, i forward the request to my customer.
> i want add in the process a action before sent the request to my customer.
> Actually i have:
> in proxy.conf
> home_server rad-auth-primaire-1.customer_realm.myrealm {
>         type            = auth
>         ipaddr          =
>         port            = 1812
>         secret          = password
>         require_message_authenticator = yes
>         response_window = 20
>         zombie_period   = 40
>         status_check    = status-server
>         check_interval  = 20
>         num_answers_to_alive = 3
> }
> home_server_pool pool-auth.customer_realm.myrealm {
>         type = fail-over
>         home_server = rad-auth-primaire-1.customer_realm.myrealm
>         home_server = rad-auth-secondaire-1.customer_realm.myrealm
> }
> realm "~(customer_realm.myrealm)" {
>         auth_pool = pool-auth.customer_realm.myrealm
>         nostrip
> }
> i want add this action:
> Before sent the access request to my customer, i want that my radius
> answer to the
> radius server of my supplier a Access-Accept with a:
>     Tunnel-Server-Endpoint:0 = ""
> With this information, my supplier sent the tunnel to, it's
> a Cisco router, when i receive the tunnel he sent a access request to my
> radius and i want that my radius forward the request to the radius server
> of my customer with a :
>     NAS-IP-Address =
> It's possible ?
> CPE Customer ==> My_Cisco_172.17.10.250 ==> Cisco of my Customer (replied
> in radius tunnel end point)
> I don't know what file i modify for this, policy.conf ? other ?
> very very new ;=)
> thanks for your help
> Olivier

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