Logging inner user name instead of anonymous

Clement Ogedengbe c.ogedengbe at worc.ac.uk
Fri Mar 27 15:29:41 CET 2015

On ourfFront end server, I set up the following linelog module to record snapshot status of authentication requests (Accepted or Rejected). I have however observed that for users who specify anonymous names, it's their anonymous names that get recorded instead of their real names.  How can I ensure that it's the real user name that gets recorded instead of anonymous names:

linelog f_ticks {
        filename = ${radacctdir}/%Y%m%d/linelog

       format = " Log Message for %{User-Name}"
       reference = "f_ticks.%{%{reply:Packet-Type}:-format}"
       f_ticks {
              Access-Accept = "Access accepted for %{User-Name} at %{NAS-IP-Address} received from %{Packet-Src-IP-Address} proxied to %{home_server:ipaddr}  # CSI=%{Calling-Station-Id} # Time = %t  "
              Access-Reject = "Access rejected  for %{User-Name} at %{NAS-IP-Address} received from %{Packet-Src-IP-Address} proxied to %{home_server:ipaddr} # CSI=%{Calling-Station-Id} # Time = %t "


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