unlang dailycounter

Pablo Umanzor info at redlibre.cl
Thu May 7 01:22:43 CEST 2015

Hello , i'm using FR 3.0.3 under debian7,mysql

this is the situation:

- a NAS with unlang rule (match a nas-ip-address) to get internet access 1
hour per day to computer wired pc
- in the same building there are wireless hotspots that doesn't match the
unlang rule and controlled by another NAS

* both NASes managed by the same Freeradius server (radacct table)

1st:  an user connects by wireless hotspot for 2 hrs
2nd: again the same user wants to get access by wired pc but is rejected
(because has reached the limit per day)

how i can give 1 hour internet access by wired  independent if this user
accesses after or before by wireless?

this is the rule to wired NAS

if (NAS-IP-Address == x.y.z.u) {
update reply {
Mikrotik-Rate-Limit := 1024k/2048k
Port-Limit := 1
update  control {
Max-Daily-Session := 3600

pablo umanzor

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