multiple huntgroups for the same NAS-IP-ADDRESS

ERIC TANGUY eric.tanguy at
Wed Oct 14 10:10:39 CEST 2015

I use freeradius 3.0.9 and I want to define multiple huntgroups for the same NAS-IP-ADDRESS into the huntgroup file. 
I 'm using mysql and have followed the following topic 
In sites-available/myconfig I have this ( just after preprocess ) 

# It takes care of processing the 'raddb/hints' and the 
# 'raddb/huntgroups' files. 

####### Ajout fonction check Nas ip address 
update request { 
Huntgroup-Name := "%{sqldbvradius1-a:SELECT `huntgroupname` FROM `radhuntgroup` WHERE nasipaddress='%{NAS-IP-Address}'}" 
if (Huntgroup-Name =~ /^$/) { 
# empty string; try 2nd sql 
update request { 
Huntgroup-Name := "%{sqldbvradius1-b:SELECT `huntgroupname` FROM `radhuntgroup` WHERE nasipaddress='%{NAS-IP-Address}'}" 

In my radgroupcheck Mysql table 
select * from radgroupcheck; 
| id | groupname | attribute | op | value | 
| 1 | AdminRI | Auth-Type | := | LDAPARKEA | 
| 2 | AdminRI_MOTP | Auth-Type | := | PAMMOTP | 
| 3 | AdminRI_RSA | Auth-Type | := | PAMRSA | 
| 4 | AdminRI | Huntgroup-Name | =~ | Pool1|Pool2 | 
| 5 | AdminRI_MOTP | Huntgroup-Name | =~ | Pool3|Pool2 | 
| 6 | AdminRI_RSA | Huntgroup-Name | =~ | Pool3|Pool2 | 
6 rows in set (0.00 sec) 

In my radhuntgroup Mysql table 
select * from radhuntgroup ; 
| id | Location | Zone | huntgroupname | nasipaddress | nasportid | 
| 1 | rennes | verte | Pool1 | | | 
| 2 | rennes | verte | Pool1 | | | 
| 3 | rennes | verte | Pool1 | | | 
| 4 | rennes | verte | Pool2 | | | 
| 5 | rennes | verte | Pool3 | | | 
5 rows in set (0.00 sec) 

An extract of my radusergroup mysql table 
select * from radusergroup; 
| username | groupname | priority | 
| a0327 | AdminRI | 1 | 
| a0327_motp | AdminRI_MOTP | 1 | 
| a0327_rsa | AdminRI_RSA | 1 | 
36 rows in set (0.00 sec) 

My debug log 

Ready to process requests 
(1) Received Access-Request Id 125 from to length 102 
(1) User-Name = "a0327_rsa" 
(1) User-Password = "XXXXXXXX" 
(1) NAS-Port = 2 
(1) NAS-Port-Id = "tty2" 
(1) NAS-Port-Type = Virtual 
(1) NAS-IP-Address = 
(1) Event-Timestamp = "Oct 9 2015 17:15:43 CEST" 
(1) Message-Authenticator = 0xea12faeecab79952f4c77f43f464894e 
(1) Proxy-State = 0x313936 
(1) # Executing section authorize from file /opt/freeradius-3.0.9/etc/raddb/sites-enabled/myconfig 
(1) authorize { 
(1) policy filter_username { 
(1) if (!&User-Name) { 
(1) if (!&User-Name) -> FALSE 
(1) if (&User-Name =~ / /) { 
(1) if (&User-Name =~ / /) -> FALSE 
(1) if (&User-Name =~ /@.*@/ ) { 
(1) if (&User-Name =~ /@.*@/ ) -> FALSE 
(1) if (&User-Name =~ /\.\./ ) { 
(1) if (&User-Name =~ /\.\./ ) -> FALSE 
(1) if ((&User-Name =~ /@/) && (&User-Name !~ /@(.+)\.(.+)$/)) { 
(1) if ((&User-Name =~ /@/) && (&User-Name !~ /@(.+)\.(.+)$/)) -> FALSE 
(1) if (&User-Name =~ /\.$/) { 
(1) if (&User-Name =~ /\.$/) -> FALSE 
(1) if (&User-Name =~ /@\./) { 
(1) if (&User-Name =~ /@\./) -> FALSE 
(1) } # policy filter_username = notfound 
(1) [preprocess] = ok 
(1) update request { 
(1) EXPAND %{User-Name} 
(1) --> a0327_rsa 
(1) SQL-User-Name set to 'a0327_rsa' 
rlm_sql (sqldbvradius1-a): Reserved connection (4) 
(1) Executing select query: SELECT `huntgroupname` FROM `radhuntgroup` WHERE nasipaddress='' 
rlm_sql (sqldbvradius1-a): Released connection (4) 
rlm_sql (sqldbvradius1-a): 0 of 7 connections in use. Need more spares 
rlm_sql (sqldbvradius1-a): Opening additional connection (7), 1 of 25 pending slots used 
rlm_sql_mysql: Starting connect to MySQL server 
rlm_sql_mysql: Connected to database 'dbvradius1' on via TCP/IP, server version 5.6.24-enterprise-commercial-advanced-log, protocol version 10 
(1) EXPAND %{sqldbvradius1-a:SELECT `huntgroupname` FROM `radhuntgroup` WHERE nasipaddress='%{NAS-IP-Address}'} 
(1) --> Pool2 
(1) Huntgroup-Name := Pool2 
(1) } # update request = noop 
(1) if (Huntgroup-Name =~ /^$/) { 
(1) if (Huntgroup-Name =~ /^$/) -> FALSE 
(1) underscore: Checking for suffix after "_" 
(1) underscore: Looking up realm "rsa" for User-Name = "a0327_rsa" 
(1) underscore: Found realm "rsa" 
(1) underscore: Adding Stripped-User-Name = "a0327" 
(1) underscore: Adding Realm = "rsa" 
(1) underscore: Authentication realm is LOCAL 
(1) [underscore] = ok 
(1) arobase: Request already has destination realm set. Ignoring 
(1) [arobase] = noop 
(1) [files] = noop 
(1) group { 
(1) sqldbvradius1-a: EXPAND %{User-Name} 
(1) sqldbvradius1-a: --> a0327_rsa 
(1) sqldbvradius1-a: SQL-User-Name set to 'a0327_rsa' 
rlm_sql (sqldbvradius1-a): Reserved connection (0) 
(1) sqldbvradius1-a: EXPAND SELECT id, username, attribute, value, op FROM radcheck WHERE username = '%{SQL-User-Name}' ORDER BY id 
(1) sqldbvradius1-a: --> SELECT id, username, attribute, value, op FROM radcheck WHERE username = 'a0327_rsa' ORDER BY id 
(1) sqldbvradius1-a: Executing select query: SELECT id, username, attribute, value, op FROM radcheck WHERE username = 'a0327_rsa' ORDER BY id 
(1) sqldbvradius1-a: User found in radcheck table 
(1) sqldbvradius1-a: Conditional check items matched, merging assignment check items 
(1) sqldbvradius1-a: Expiration := "Dec 30 2035 00:00:00 CET" 
(1) sqldbvradius1-a: EXPAND SELECT id, username, attribute, value, op FROM radreply WHERE username = '%{SQL-User-Name}' ORDER BY id 
(1) sqldbvradius1-a: --> SELECT id, username, attribute, value, op FROM radreply WHERE username = 'a0327_rsa' ORDER BY id 
(1) sqldbvradius1-a: Executing select query: SELECT id, username, attribute, value, op FROM radreply WHERE username = 'a0327_rsa' ORDER BY id 
(1) sqldbvradius1-a: EXPAND SELECT groupname FROM radusergroup WHERE username = '%{SQL-User-Name}' ORDER BY priority 
(1) sqldbvradius1-a: --> SELECT groupname FROM radusergroup WHERE username = 'a0327_rsa' ORDER BY priority 
(1) sqldbvradius1-a: Executing select query: SELECT groupname FROM radusergroup WHERE username = 'a0327_rsa' ORDER BY priority 
(1) sqldbvradius1-a: User found in the group table 
(1) sqldbvradius1-a: EXPAND SELECT id, groupname, attribute, Value, op FROM radgroupcheck WHERE groupname = '%{sqldbvradius1-a-SQL-Group}' ORDER BY id 
(1) sqldbvradius1-a: --> SELECT id, groupname, attribute, Value, op FROM radgroupcheck WHERE groupname = 'AdminRI_RSA' ORDER BY id 
(1) sqldbvradius1-a: Executing select query: SELECT id, groupname, attribute, Value, op FROM radgroupcheck WHERE groupname = 'AdminRI_RSA' ORDER BY id 
rlm_sql (sqldbvradius1-a): Released connection (0) 
(1) [sqldbvradius1-a] = ok 
(1) } # group = ok 
(1) expiration: Account will expire at 'Dec 30 2035 00:00:00 CET' 
(1) [expiration] = ok 
(1) [logintime] = noop 
(1) } # authorize = ok 
(1) ERROR: No Auth-Type found: rejecting the user via Post-Auth-Type = Reject 
(1) Failed to authenticate the user 
(1) Login incorrect (No Auth-Type found: rejecting the user via Post-Auth-Type = Reject): [a0327_rsa] (from client proxyradiustux1-a port 2) 
(1) Using Post-Auth-Type Reject 
(1) # Executing group from file /opt/freeradius-3.0.9/etc/raddb/sites-enabled/vradius1-a 
(1) Post-Auth-Type REJECT { 
(1) redundant (null) { 
(1) sqldbvradius1-a: EXPAND .query 
(1) sqldbvradius1-a: --> .query 
(1) sqldbvradius1-a: Using query template 'query' 
rlm_sql (sqldbvradius1-a): Reserved connection (5) 
(1) sqldbvradius1-a: EXPAND %{User-Name} 
(1) sqldbvradius1-a: --> a0327_rsa 
(1) sqldbvradius1-a: SQL-User-Name set to 'a0327_rsa' 
(1) sqldbvradius1-a: EXPAND INSERT INTO radpostauth (username, pass, reply, authdate) VALUES ( '%{SQL-User-Name}', '%{%{User-Password}:-%{Chap-Password}}', '%{reply:Packet-Type}', '%S') 
(1) sqldbvradius1-a: --> INSERT INTO radpostauth (username, pass, reply, authdate) VALUES ( 'a0327_rsa', '2812525337', 'Access-Reject', '2015-10-09 17:15:43') 
(1) sqldbvradius1-a: Executing query: INSERT INTO radpostauth (username, pass, reply, authdate) VALUES ( 'a0327_rsa', '2812525337', 'Access-Reject', '2015-10-09 17:15:43') 
(1) sqldbvradius1-a: SQL query returned: success 
(1) sqldbvradius1-a: 1 record(s) updated 
rlm_sql (sqldbvradius1-a): Released connection (5) 
(1) [sqldbvradius1-a] = ok 
(1) } # redundant (null) = ok 
(1) attr_filter.access_reject: EXPAND %{User-Name} 
(1) attr_filter.access_reject: --> a0327_rsa 
(1) attr_filter.access_reject: Matched entry DEFAULT at line 18 
(1) [attr_filter.access_reject] = updated 
(1) eap: Request didn't contain an EAP-Message, not inserting EAP-Failure 
(1) [eap] = noop 
(1) policy remove_reply_message_if_eap { 
(1) if (&reply:EAP-Message && &reply:Reply-Message) { 
(1) if (&reply:EAP-Message && &reply:Reply-Message) -> FALSE 
(1) else { 
(1) [noop] = noop 
(1) } # else = noop 
(1) } # policy remove_reply_message_if_eap = noop 
(1) } # Post-Auth-Type REJECT = updated 
(1) Delaying response for 2.000000 seconds 
Waking up in 0.2 seconds. 
Waking up in 1.7 seconds. 

If I replcae my radgroupcheck; 
| id | groupname | attribute | op | value | 
| 1 | AdminRI | Auth-Type | := | LDAP | 
| 2 | AdminRI_MOTP | Auth-Type | := | PAMMOTP | 
| 3 | AdminRI_RSA | Auth-Type | := | PAMRSA | 
| 4 | AdminRI | Huntgroup-Name | =~ | Pool1|Pool2 | 
| 5 | AdminRI_MOTP | Huntgroup-Name | =~ | Pool3|Pool2 | 
| 6 | AdminRI_RSA | Huntgroup-Name | =~ | Pool3|Pool2 | 

with this 
| id | groupname | attribute | op | value | 
| 1 | AdminRI | Auth-Type | := | LDAP | 
| 2 | AdminRI_MOTP | Auth-Type | := | PAMMOTP | 
| 3 | AdminRI_RSA | Auth-Type | := | PAMRSA | 
| 4 | AdminRI | Huntgroup-Name | == | Pool1| 
| 5 | AdminRI_MOTP | Huntgroup-Name | == | Pool3 | 
| 6 | AdminRI_RSA | Huntgroup-Name | == | Pool2 | 

It 's a success but it's not what I want 

I want to use multiple huntgroups for the same NAS-Ip-Address 
What is the right configuration ? 
Is it possible to do and how ? 


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