[sqlippool]IP address could not be allocated as no pool exists with that name

R. Elias falajhou at gmail.com
Tue Oct 27 19:28:54 CET 2015

Hi again.
Thanks a lot for your help, Alan.

I've change sqlippool.conf and also sql/mysql/ippool.conf to use
{%Pool-Name} instead of %{control:Pool-Name}.

Unfortunately, the same kind of problem still happens:

+- entering group post-auth {...}
rlm_sql (sql): Reserving sql socket id: 97
[sqlippool]     expand: %{User-Name} -> maiza
[sqlippool] sql_set_user escaped user --> 'maiza'
[sqlippool]     expand: UPDATE radippool   SET nasipaddress = '',
pool_key = 0,   callingstationid = '', username = '',   expiry_time =
NULL   WHERE expiry_time <= NOW() - INTERVAL 1 SECOND   AND
nasipaddress = '%{Nas-IP-Address}' -> UPDATE radippool   SET
nasipaddress = '', pool_key = 0,   callingstationid = '', username =
'',   expiry_time = NULL   WHERE expiry_time <= NOW() - INTERVAL 1
SECOND   AND nasipaddress = ''
[sqlippool]     expand: SELECT framedipaddress FROM radippool  WHERE
pool_name = '%{Pool-Name}' AND (expiry_time < NOW() OR expiry_time IS
NULL)  ORDER BY (username <> '%{User-Name}'),  (callingstationid <>
'%{Calling-Station-Id}'),  expiry_time  LIMIT 1  FOR UPDATE -> SELECT
framedipaddress FROM radippool  WHERE pool_name = '' AND (expiry_time
< NOW() OR expiry_time IS NULL)  ORDER BY (username <> 'maiza'),
(callingstationid <> '00:0C:43:AC:76:C9'),  expiry_time  LIMIT 1  FOR
[sqlippool] SQL query did not return any results
[sqlippool]     expand: COMMIT -> COMMIT
[sqlippool]     expand: SELECT id FROM radippool  WHERE
pool_name='%{Pool-Name}' LIMIT 1 -> SELECT id FROM radippool  WHERE
pool_name='' LIMIT 1
[sqlippool] SQL query did not return any results
rlm_sql (sql): Released sql socket id: 97
[sqlippool] IP address could not be allocated as no pool exists with that name.
++[sqlippool] returns noop

Any other idea, please?
Thank you very much!

2015-10-27 15:53 GMT-02:00 Alan DeKok <aland at deployingradius.com>:
> On Oct 27, 2015, at 1:48 PM, Rod Elias <falajhou at gmail.com> wrote
>> Could someone please help me with a problem regarding freeradius
>> sqlippool module?
>> I'm migrating to FreeRADIUS Version 2.1.10
>   Upgrade to 2.2.9.  There is no reason to be running a version of the server which is 5+ years old.
>> For some reason, I noticed the %{control:Pool-Name} section in the SQL
>> query isn't being resolved and, because that, SQL query doesn't return
>> any results.
>   You cause just use %{Pool-Name}
>   Alan DeKok.
> -
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