Info: No Pool-Name defined. Trying to add new APN

Sophie Loewenthal sophie.loewenthal at
Thu Sep 17 14:07:17 CEST 2015


Debug started at line 718 of 244222

Kind regards,

Sophie Loewenthal
System Engineer ITOPS / Trimble Transport & Logistics

On 9/17/2015 2:01 PM, Alan DeKok wrote:
> On Sep 17, 2015, at 7:05 AM, Sophie Loewenthal <sophie.loewenthal at> wrote:
>>     Here is the log file on this URL,
>    A 21M file?  Really?  And given a ".gz" extension, while the file itself is just text?
>    That's ridiculous.
>    Everyone else posts the debug output, showing one or two packets.  That's sufficient.
>    And what's in the file?
> ...
> Wed Sep 16 16:13:58 2015 : Auth: Login incorrect: [357541000390577] (from client proxi-nas-carli port 47822 cli 997700010065395)
> Wed Sep 16 16:13:59 2015 : Info: Released IP (did cli 98627040209 user 110006d2b)
> ...
>    It's not the debug output.  I know you're capable of creating the debug output, because you've posted pieces of it before.
>    So... why aren't you following instructions?  Why are you working HARD to make it impossible for us to help you?
>    Alan DeKok.
> -
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