otpd - resurrecting it

Stefan Paetow Stefan.Paetow at jisc.ac.uk
Wed Sep 23 12:29:57 CEST 2015

> run otpd but I do remember that no matter what I did, if radiusd did not
> have rights to /var/run/otpd/socket then FreeRadius was always denied
> permission when attempting to interact with otpd.

You could add radiusd (the user) to the group that otpd runs as (possibly 'otpd'), that way radiusd can access anything the group is allowed to access. This is something recommended when using winbindd with FR. :-)

> [root at HP-LAB-1 otpd]# su -l radiusd otptest
> This account is currently not available.

The radiusd account has a shell that does not allow interactive login. Use su --shell=/bin/bash -l radiusd otptest :-)

> All of the above results in otpd still running. But if I run radtest
> once more... otpd segfaults and leaves the /var/run/otpd/socket
> inaccessible by radiusd.

What's the actual ownership of that socket? Also... If you're running Fedora, is there any chance SELinux is messing with this?

With Regards

Stefan Paetow
Moonshot Industry & Research Liaison Coordinator

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