Custom counter aggregating data from two sources - freeradius 3.0.x

Alan DeKok aland at
Thu Sep 24 16:47:51 CEST 2015

On Sep 24, 2015, at 10:37 AM, Michal Tomaszewski <Michal.Tomaszewski at> wrote:
> Can you suggest how can I make a custom counter that uses e.g. sql query and redis query in single counter?

  You can't do it in a module.  The counter module does one thing, and one thing only.

> Is there any possibility to include ulang logic into sqlcounter conf, make a redis query and/or combine data?

  You need to write the logic yourself, and then combine the counters manually.

> Is there a possibility to make queries using different sql pools inside one counter?


> I would like to cache some data in redis and reuse it if available. If it is not available - then make a full sql query (long lasting…).

  You can cache data in redis, but you need to write the redis queries yourself.

  Alan DeKok.

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