Correlating Access-Requests and Replys

Christian Strauf strauf at
Thu Apr 21 16:38:26 CEST 2016

>I assume you've seen
>which might be useful.
Very interesting! If you'd like to, please drop me an email, I'd be happy exchange experiences / thoughts.

>The State attribute should tie any challenges with the subsequent
>request, which might be helpful.
Good point. The problem is that I don't see the State attribute in Access-Accepts anymore.

>Include the Calling-Station-Id and User-Name as well? Then perhaps
>hash them to get a (most likely unique) hex string. (See e.g.
>acct_unique policy.)
Sounds like this calls for some unlang wizardry but definitely feasible.

>I would have thought you could generate a new Correlation
>attribute on first request, log it with the request, and then
>cache it with rlm_cache. Then pull it out each time you are about
>to log a request or reply and put it on the log. Then you should
>have a stable ID across all entries in your elasticsearch db.
rlm_cache is a very good advice. Copying the attributes to tunneled requests with the session-state methods should be easy enough as well so that we get a consistent correlation.

>You might be better to keep track of the request time in
>FreeRADIUS and then just log it with each log entry. rlm_cache
>probably needed as well - but examples of arithmetic are in
>sites-enabled/default preacct (FreeRADIUS-Acct-Session-Start-Time).
>Doing both timing in FR as well as a Correlation attribute is
>probably the best option.
Sounds sensible. I'll say what I can manage to do. Sounds like I've got some work ahead of me to get this to work.

Thanks for the hints, that's good advice.

Dipl.-Math. Christian Strauf
Clausthal University of Techn.  E-Mail: strauf at
Rechenzentrum                   Web:
Erzstraße 51                    Tel.:   +49-5323-72-2086 Fax: -992086
D-38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld

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