IP Pool FreeRadius

Juanjo Abenza juanjo at excom.es
Wed Apr 27 11:47:24 CEST 2016


We migrated the Pool to freeradius and its works like a charm following
your reccommendations.

Our NAS is Mikrotik also we use it for PPPOE clients.

Can you please, explain me the fourth possible problem?
"4) the NAS lets the user stay online even after the IP has expired
  - this happens a LOT."
(I guess this happend if accounting packets

We can see the expiry_time in the database is one hour after the the IP
lease, our users are still connected with the same IP address after this
expiry time, i guess this expiry_time is renewed each accounting update
gived from NAS.
Am i corrent hoping this behaviour from freeradius?
If so, we wouldn't have the fourth possible issue.

Thank you very much.


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2016-04-25 14:07 GMT+02:00 Aurélio de Souza Ribeiro Neto <
netolistas at mpc.com.br>:

> Juanjo,
>     In my case I use Mikrotik as NAS. I made a correction in checkrad code
> (mikrotik_telnet) to make it work duplication checking logins and this has
> been greatly reduced the number of occurrences.
>     Also I did a trigger in the database to check when the radacct
> receives a start package if there is the same user already connected from
> the same NAS, and if so I close the oldest connection in Radacct and clean
> the radippool IP record. Be careful if you allow multiple connections to
> the same login.
>     Note that if the FreeRadius attempts to deliver a new IP to the user
> is asked for the NAS and not by a FreeRadius failure.
> Em 25/04/2016 08:13, Juanjo Abenza escreveu:
>> Aurelio,
>> Im trying to understand what is the issue..., Can it be the lost of
>> accounting stop messages from NAS?
>> Can i know how did you make the triggers on MySQL?
>> Thank you.
>> Sent with Stampery <https://stampery.com/gmail>
>> 2016-04-25 12:44 GMT+02:00 Aurélio de Souza Ribeiro Neto <
>> netolistas at mpc.com.br>:
>> Juanjo,
>>>      Complementing.....
>>>      This is not a freeradius issue! It occours when Nas's didn't (or
>>> fail
>>> ) to send packets to freeradius.
>>> Aurlio
>>> Em 25/04/2016 04:52, Juanjo Abenza escreveu:
>>> Hello,
>>>> We are planning to deploy a new freeradius Server, and we would like to
>>>> manage the IP's from freeradius ip pool, but some time ago we heard that
>>>> FreeRadis sometimes didnt manage the pool all right.
>>>> They said us, it could sometimes duplicate ip's on subscribers.
>>>> Does someones knows something about this issue? Is it fixed on last
>>>> versions?
>>>> Best regards. Juanjo.
>>>> Sent with Stampery <https://stampery.com/gmail>
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Juanjo Abenza Sánchez
Free Technologies Excom, S.L.
Tel. 902 02 02 34   Ext. 202
Fax 902 87 66 41


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