authenticating against local LDAP and Jumpcloud LDAP

Michael Martinez mwtzzz at
Sun Feb 21 01:56:30 CET 2016

On Thu, Feb 18, 2016 at 12:39 PM, Alan DeKok <aland at> wrote:
>  Which version are you running?  If it's 2.1.12, stop wasting your time, and upgrade to 3.0.  Or even 2.2.9.

Success. I upgraded to 3.0.11. Then I got it configured similar to my
working 2.1.12 configuration. Then I enabled ldap and tested it with
radtest in the inner tunnel. It works and looking through the debug
output, I see what it's doing: it's using the ldap module to grab the
crypted password, then it uses the PAP module to compare the crypted
string of characters with, what I assume it does it run crypt against
the plain text password that was entered, and compare the two strings.

Michael Martinez

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