freeradius3, rlm_preprocess changed defaults without notice

Boris Lytochkin lytboris at
Thu Feb 25 12:49:50 CET 2016


I am struggling moving our RADIUS server from freeradius 2.1 to freeradius 3 and found a (yet another) snag:
  rlm_preprocess in 2.1 does load huntgroups/users even they are not specified in configuration because it has defaults compiled in. Version 3, instead, needs them to be specified directly as have 
NULLs instead of default location:

version 2:
static const CONF_PARSER module_config[] = {
         { "huntgroups",                 PW_TYPE_FILENAME,
           offsetof(rlm_preprocess_t,huntgroup_file), NULL,
           "${raddbdir}/huntgroups" },
         { "hints",                      PW_TYPE_FILENAME,
           offsetof(rlm_preprocess_t,hints_file), NULL,
           "${raddbdir}/hints" },

version 3:
static const CONF_PARSER module_config[] = {
         { "huntgroups", FR_CONF_OFFSET(PW_TYPE_FILE_INPUT, rlm_preprocess_t, huntgroup_file), NULL },
         { "hints", FR_CONF_OFFSET(PW_TYPE_FILE_INPUT, rlm_preprocess_t, hints_file), NULL },

This is not mentioned in "Changed modules" here:
and adds a cherry on the top of migrating hell pie.

Please find a way to fix it properly.

Boris Lytochkin
Yandex NOC
+7 (495) 739 70 00 ext. 7671

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