question about logging levels, using syslog facility.

koch at koch at
Tue Jan 12 15:49:21 CET 2016

> You've configured the server to log the status of authentication requests. It's doing what you want.

That's true. And I want to keep it in the radius.log in the future.
But! My own module add debug information anyway. If I will turn of auth info ("auth = no"), then I will lose only one record in my radius.log 
(that one: Jan 12 15:25:36 radiusn-test1 radiusd[11284]: (27673) Login OK: [12345/<via Auth-Type = Perl>] (from client localhost port 0 cli 12345) ), 

But all others (from rlm_perl) will be still there in the log...  

Цитирование Alan DeKok <aland at> :
> On Jan 12, 2016, at 8:38 AM, Konstantin Chekushin via Freeradius-Users <freeradius-users at> wrote:
> >
> > Good day! I'm using freeradius3.0.10. Here is my log configuration from
> > radiusd.cong:
> > ...
> > I've finished my test, so I want to turn off debug info, but it still
> > exist in the /var/log/radius/radius.log file (&radiusd::radlog(L_DBG,
> > "Auth: Calling-Station-Id: ".$RAD_REQUEST{'Calling-Station-Id'}); ).

> You've configured the server to log the status of authentication requests. It's doing what you want.

> See the documentation in the "log" section for how it works.

> Alan DeKok.

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