Multiple FreeRadius servers with one PostgreSQL backend

Alan DeKok aland at
Fri Jan 22 17:29:30 CET 2016

On Jan 22, 2016, at 11:23 AM, Ruslan Kalakutsky <r.kalakutsky at> wrote:
> It's a question of simplicity and reliability if there are no possible
> deadlocks or race conditions.

  Databases can have multiple clients reading and writing at the same time.  This is what databases do.

> Automate deployment of radius service on
> each IPSEC server easier than having another single point of failure.

  You'll still have a single point of failure in the database.

  If the IPSec servers are physically close to the database, this will work.  It's not a good idea, but it will work.

  If the IPSec servers are scattered around the net, this won't work.

  You're almost always better off centralizing RADIUS, and having a database close to the central RADIUS server.  But if you think you know better, it's your network.

  Alan DeKok.

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