Make file error on Solaris

Sander Eerdekens sander.eerdekens at
Wed Jan 27 16:35:00 CET 2016

>  > Are you sure? What does it say when you do:
> yes i'm sure...
> #which grep
> /home/imsuser/bin/grep
> [imsuser at raddev freeradius-server-3.0.10]# /home/imsuser/bin/grep -V
> /home/imsuser/bin/grep (GNU grep) 2.22
> where /home/imsuser/bin is the custom path of the gnu grep

For me, it works with the standard grep and sed from solaris in /usr/bin.
This is on Solaris 11 on SPARC.
My path looks like this:

Does that work?
Otherwise, I can try on a Solaris 10 SPARC.

Kind regards,

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