Accounting additional attributes

Uwe Freier uwe at
Thu Jul 21 14:09:15 CEST 2016

Hello again,

for any reason the attributes ADSL-Agent-Circuit-Id und 
ADSL-Agent-Remote-Id shall be accounted. My NAS sends them with each 
packet to the radius but there are no columns for them in the table 
radacct. So in my infinite naivity I simply would add this columns to 
table radacct and modify the SQL query "accounting_start_query" from 
/sql/mysql/dialup.conf so that these values are written each time an 
accounting starts (sure they must be only accounted once per session).
Is this a legitime way or is it dangerous to modify the structure of the 
table radacct for any reason and there is a better way to account 
additional attributes?

Many thanks in advance!

Uwe Freier

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