rotating detail files

Jakob Hirsch jh at
Mon Jun 20 17:20:32 CEST 2016

Alan DeKok wrote on 2016-06-20 15:02:
>>>> Looking more closely at the code, I wonder why HUP won't close the
>>>> detail file(s).
>>>  HUP doesn't cause the modules to be reloaded.  Only modules with the configuration changed will be reloaded.
>> I thought I can trick FR to do that by touching detail's config file
>> before sending HUP, but that didn't do anything.
>   That HUPs the detail file, 

Hm, what exactly do you mean by that?

I thought a HUP to the server would reload the config and all modules
with a changed config file would be detached and re-instantiated.

> but doesn't cause the exfile cache to be reloaded.

Btw, "hup detail" indeed does what we need, i.e. close the detail file
and create a new one on the next request. Many thanks for that!


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