SV: Can't work out HP/Huawei reply attributes

Joel Bergmark joel.bergmark at
Mon Mar 7 23:08:03 CET 2016


I agree, looks simple enough but within this simplicity there is the pitfall. In Daloradius, under User/Attributes I put in all the information and then this breaks the process and rejects the login: rlm_sql: Failed to create the pair: Unknown value Huawei-Exec-Privilege = "3" for attribute Huawei-Exec-Privilege

Here I'm not sure if this is a dictionary issue or something else, or me doing something wrong.

Attatched a small prntscreen from the reply attribute page.

Regards, Joel

-----Ursprungligt meddelande-----
Från: Freeradius-Users [ at] För Alan Buxey
Skickat: den 7 mars 2016 22:49
Till: FreeRadius users mailing list <freeradius-users at>
Ämne: Re: Can't work out HP/Huawei reply attributes


if that guide is right, seems fairly simply, you just need to set

       Service-Type = NAS-Prompt-User
       Huawei-Exec-Privilege = "3"
       Login-Service = 50

can all be done via SQL replies, group replies or just in the users file. 


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