Freeradius 2.2.9 not works

Mr Dini diniboy74 at
Sat Mar 12 16:06:05 CET 2016

Sorry, I missed the debugger output. I changed the Password to
Cleartext-Password, but it not solved the problem. So I changed the
password to a longer one and now it sends Access-Accept to radtest! :D

But when I try it with my router and a client with PEAP it gives me
"Access-Reject" message...

Here is the debugger output:


2016-03-12 15:44 GMT+01:00 Alan DeKok <aland at>:

> On Mar 12, 2016, at 7:33 AM, Mr Dini <diniboy74 at> wrote:
> > I compiled the freeradius 2.2.9 on my nas and I configured a MySQL
> database
> > for radius. It seems like works, but if I make a test connection from my
> > router, it sends an Access-Reject package...
> >
> > If I make a radtest it also sends Access-Reject package, but if I edit
> the
> > Cleartext-Password := guest1234 to Password == guest1234 it sends
> > Access-Accept package... Why?
>   As always, run the server in debugging mode to see why.
>   And use "Cleartext-Password := ..."  Don't use "Password =="
>   Alan DeKok.
> -
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