rlm_sql_db2 sql server configuration

Alan DeKok aland at deployingradius.com
Mon Mar 14 15:32:00 CET 2016

On Mar 14, 2016, at 5:37 AM, abdurrm at ub.ac.id wrote:
> Thanks for fast respon, now I am focusing to Build FR v3.0.4 (our production version) with DB2 V10.5

  You should be using 3.0.11.  If you're building from source, there is no reason to use an old version of the server.

> my problem is, I cant find DB2 V7.1 as Joerg Mention. so I do a bit modify at "configure" file line 1846 and 2815

  That is not necessary.  You can pass configure options to tell configure to look in an additional location.

> rlm_sql (sql): Opening additional connection (0)
> could not connect to DB2 server x.x.x.x

  You will have to figure out why that connection fails.

  We don't have access to DB2, so we can't really help you.  You will need to modify the rlm_sql_db2.c file to print out any DB2 connection errors it sees.  That should help track down what's going wrong.

  For further details, see:


  Alan DeKok.

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