debug User-Profile

MichaelLeung gbcbooksmj at
Thu Mar 17 03:56:52 CET 2016

hi list

my freeradius version is 3.0.4

i have enabled ldap modules and the radius profile feature of it .

and i need to check the user is in the speacific Ldap-Group, and assign 
the User-Profile which contain all radius Reply-Items in it .
so when my  NAS  try to authenticate , i can only  see radius -X 
responding :
(0) Sending Access-Accept packet to host port 1812, id=96, 
(0)     User-Profile := 
it was not going to print out what reply item the User-Profile contained.
and actually, i define the reply item as
Huawei-Exec-Privilege := "15"
it will give the highest admin right to the user belong to Group 
Device_Superior to Operate the Device .

how can i debug the User-Profile?

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