debug User-Profile

MichaelLeung gbcbooksmj at
Fri Mar 18 10:05:28 CET 2016

hope this could he more people

On 03/18/2016 04:55 PM, MichaelLeung wrote:
> finially, i config out how it works
> first, edit mods-available/ldap
> in global section
> add:
> valuepair_attribute = "radiusReplyItem"
> in profile section
> uncommecnt and change the default values
> profile {
>     default = "%{control:User-Profile}"
> }
> go to policy.d/ directory
> create a policy , whatever your name it
> whatevername {
>     if (Ldap-Group == "groupname in LDAP, or DN") {
>         update {
>             $control:User-Profile == "profile dn in LDAP"
>         }
>         updated
>     }
>     else {
>         reject
>     }
> }
> go to site-available/ directory
> edit the virtual server you want
> in the authorize section
> add the policy in to it
> On 03/18/2016 02:07 PM, MichaelLeung wrote:
>> i find this in
>> In version 2, the mapping between RADIUS attributes 
>> <> and LDAP 
>> <> attributes is in 
>> raddb/ldap.attrmap. You can edit that file and add any new mapping 
>> that you may need. The LDAP-schema file is located in 
>> doc/RADIUS-LDAPv3.schema. Before adding any radius attributes the 
>> ldap server schema should be updated.
>> All ldap entries containing radius attributes should contain at least 
>> "objectclass: radiusprofile"
>> radiusCheckItem and radiusReplyItem are special. They allow the 
>> administrator to add any check or reply item respectively without 
>> adding it in the ldap schema. The format should be:
>> ldap-attribute: radius-attribute operator value
>> The version 3 attribute mapping is in the module configuration file 
>> |raddb/mods-available/ldap|
>> For Example:
>> radiusReplyItem: Cisco-AVPair := "ip:addr-pool=dialin_pool"
>> but i dont understand , if we mapping the radius attr and ldap attr, 
>> then give it a values ,  why do we stored the replyitem in LDAP.
>> On 03/18/2016 01:46 PM, MichaelLeung wrote:
>>> does freeradius 3.0.4 still have ldap.attrmap ?
>>> On 03/18/2016 12:46 PM, MichaelLeung wrote:
>>>>  how can i get radiusReplyItem from LDAP?
>>>> On 03/18/2016 09:25 AM, MichaelLeung wrote:
>>>>> any help ?
>>>>> On 03/17/2016 05:31 PM, MichaelLeung wrote:
>>>>>> any reply ?
>>>>>> On 03/17/2016 03:20 PM, MichaelLeung wrote:
>>>>>>> well , i define a ldap-group check policy
>>>>>>> #
>>>>>>> devicemanager_check {
>>>>>>>         if (Ldap-Group == "DeviceManager") {
>>>>>>>                 update reply {
>>>>>>> &User-Profile := 
>>>>>>> "cn=DeviceManager,ou=Admin,ou=Group,dc=gd,dc=quantum-info,dc=com"
>>>>>>>                 }
>>>>>>>         }
>>>>>>>         elsif (Ldap-Group == "Device_Write") {
>>>>>>>                 update reply {
>>>>>>>                         &Reply-Message += "Welcome,Device Operator"
>>>>>>>                 }
>>>>>>>         }
>>>>>>>         elsif (Ldap-Group == "Device_Reivew") {
>>>>>>>                 update reply {
>>>>>>>                         &Reply-Message += "Welcome Device Reviewer"
>>>>>>>                 }
>>>>>>>         }
>>>>>>>         else {
>>>>>>>                 update reply {
>>>>>>>                         &Reply-Message += "you are not 
>>>>>>> authorized to access , please confirm that you have the 
>>>>>>> permission..."
>>>>>>>                 }
>>>>>>>                 reject
>>>>>>>         }
>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>> i am not sure that user override the User-Profile or not.
>>>>>>> On 03/17/2016 10:56 AM, MichaelLeung wrote:
>>>>>>>> hi list
>>>>>>>> my freeradius version is 3.0.4
>>>>>>>> i have enabled ldap modules and the radius profile feature of it .
>>>>>>>> and i need to check the user is in the speacific Ldap-Group, 
>>>>>>>> and assign the User-Profile which contain all radius 
>>>>>>>> Reply-Items in it .
>>>>>>>> so when my  NAS  try to authenticate , i can only see radius -X 
>>>>>>>> responding :
>>>>>>>> (0) Sending Access-Accept packet to host port 1812, 
>>>>>>>> id=96, length=0
>>>>>>>> (0)     User-Profile := 
>>>>>>>> 'cn=Device_Superior,ou=Admin,ou=Group,dc=gd,dc=abc,dc=com'
>>>>>>>> it was not going to print out what reply item the User-Profile 
>>>>>>>> contained.
>>>>>>>> and actually, i define the reply item as
>>>>>>>> Huawei-Exec-Privilege := "15"
>>>>>>>> it will give the highest admin right to the user belong to 
>>>>>>>> Group Device_Superior to Operate the Device .
>>>>>>>> how can i debug the User-Profile?

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