Freeradius 3 - eDirectory Problem

Bebbet van Dinges bebbet at
Tue May 17 15:20:12 CEST 2016


I'm trying to authorize/authenticate my wifi users against edirectory
with Freeradius3, which doesn't work. It worked with this configuration
in 2.2, but doesn't seem to provide the required result anymore.

I hope you can give me some pointers where to look next.

Yours sincerely,

from raddebug:

(74) Tue May 17 12:19:27 2016: Debug: openldap: Performing unfiltered
search in "", scope "sub"
(74) Tue May 17 12:19:27 2016: Debug: openldap: Waiting for search result...
(74) Tue May 17 12:19:30 2016: ERROR: openldap: Ambiguous search result,
returned 1723 unsorted entries (should return 1 or 0).  Enable sorting,
or specify a more restrictive base_dn, filter or scope
(74) Tue May 17 12:19:30 2016: ERROR: openldap: The following entries
were returned:

[All the records in our directory\


        ldap openldap {
                server = ""
                port = 636
                identity = "cn=admin,o=desaad"
                password = "You wish.."
                basedn = "o=desaad"
        #       filter = "(cn=%{mschap:User-Name})"
                ldap_connections_number = 5
                timeout = 4
                timelimit = 3
                net_timeout = 1

                access_attr = cn
                password_attribute = nspmPassword

                tls {
                        start_tls = no
                        require_cert = "allow"
                dictionary_mapping = ${confdir}/ldap.attrmap
                edir_account_policy_check = yes

                keepalive {
                        # LDAP_OPT_X_KEEPALIVE_IDLE
                        idle = 60

                        # LDAP_OPT_X_KEEPALIVE_PROBES
                        probes = 3

                        # LDAP_OPT_X_KEEPALIVE_INTERVAL
                        interval = 3

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