DHCP with static IPs and EAP

Toby Walsh walshtj at gmail.com
Sun Nov 6 12:00:16 CET 2016

*What you probably need to do (I'm guessing, because you didn't really
describe your requirements), is to set up *two* SQL modules:**> *
*> *

*# normal RADIUS sql module> sql {> ....**> *
*}**> *
*> *
*# and an SQL module for DHCP**> *
*#**> *
*sql sql_dhcp {**> *
*...**> *
*}**> *
*> *
*  The "sql_dhcp" module should initially be copied from "sql", and then
modified to work with DHCP.**> *
*> *
*  Then, in the DHCP virtual server, use "sql_dhcp" instead of "sql".  And
in the RADIUS virtual server, use "sql".**> *
*> **  Using two different configurations like this means that they don't
conflict with each other.*

Thanks Alan, that did the trick nicely. It's spawned a new question so I'll
start a new thread.


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