eap-tls + postgresql [SOLVED]

Kamil Jońca kjonca at o2.pl
Mon Nov 14 22:05:54 CET 2016

a.cudbardb at freeradius.org (Arran Cudbard-Bell) writes:

> Looks consistent to me.
> Though technically we should explicitly set FALL_THROUGH_NO = 0 and FALL_THROUGH_YES = 1.
> FALL_THROUGH_DEFAULT is not intended to be set by the user.
Agreed, but, so far was set to 0 and it is used somewhere in code and
I suspected that 0 was not  distinguishable from "No" so far. Am I wrong?

Nevermind. I compiled freeradius  with[1]:
--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
typedef enum {
	FALL_THROUGH_DEFAULT /* , without comma here */
} sql_fall_through_t;
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

And now it works as I expected, eg.
when "Fall-Through =  No" comes from groupreply, profiles were not checked.
when no "Fall-Through" - profiles were checked.

No small art is it to sleep: it is necessary for that purpose to keep
awake all day.
		-- Nietzsche

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