Having a consistent Event-Timestamp format

Anuruddha Premalal anuruddhapremalal at gmail.com
Thu Oct 13 12:37:51 CEST 2016

Hi All,

I'm using the 'Event-Timestamp' in the python module it's printed as

*Oct 12 2016 13:59:27 UTC*

However the timestamp format present in the MySQL databse is *2006-01-02

Is it possible to enforce the same format as MySQL across the board?, I
wasn't able to locate related documentation on this.

PS : Freeradius version 3.0.8

*Anuruddha Premalala (MIEEE)Mobile : +94717213122E-mail  :
anuruddhapremalal at gmail.com <anuruddhapremalal at gmail.com>web      :
www.anuruddha.org <http://www.anuruddha.org>*

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