multiple instances of pam module

Lars Hillebrand lars.hillebrand at
Tue Apr 18 18:01:53 CEST 2017

Thanks for the explanation.
Another reason to make an update to a current version.

Lars Hillebrand

Fachhochschule Dortmund
University of Applied Sciences and Arts

Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Lars Hillebrand
Dez. VI, IT-Basisdienste
Sonnenstraße 100 - 44139 Dortmund
Raum SON D 008
Tel     0231 9112-253
Fax     0231 9112-338
lars.hillebrand at <mailto:lars.hillebrand at> <>
> Am 18.04.2017 um 17:56 schrieb Alan DeKok <aland at>:
> On Apr 18, 2017, at 11:54 AM, Lars Hillebrand <lars.hillebrand at> wrote:
>> I tried to set Auth-Type to horizon_pam, but unfortunately without success.
>  Ah... you're using an old version of FreeRADIUS.  Newer versions have that issue fixed.
>> Even if my problem solved with the aforementioned changes, I would very much like to understand your way - the right way.
>> Could you briefly explain the way to me? 
>> I think my understanding problem is to find the right place where I should put the Auth-Type ?!
>> In the present form, I set it in the appropriate Usersfile
>> DEFAULT Auth-Type: = PAM
>  That's fine.
>> If I set this to Auth-Type = horizon_pam I get the following error.
>> Parse error (check) for entry DEFAULT: Unknown value horizon_pam for attribute Auth-Type
>  That issue has been found and fixed.
>  For your case, just go back to what you did before.
>  Alan DeKok.
> -
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