warning suppression

Klara Mall klara.mall at kit.edu
Thu Aug 10 11:09:49 CEST 2017


just found the message in the archive. I have the same problem.

On Sat, Jul 15, 2017 at 09:25:43AM -0400, Alan DeKok wrote:
> On Jul 15, 2017, at 9:20 AM, mustafa mujahid <mustafa.mujahid at outlook.com> wrote:
> >
> > I have an authenticating FR 3.0.12. Every time the user connects I get this :
> >
> > Sat Jul 15 18:03:59 2017 : WARNING: (200108) sql_wlc_huawei: WARNING: Cannot do check groups when group_membership_query is not set
> >
> > Which is understandable as I'm only using authentication. How can I suppress this? Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
>   Somewhere in your configuration you have a comparison with SQL-Group.  For example:
> 	if (SQL-Group == ...)
>   It might be in "unlang" in a virtual server, or in the SQL tables.
>   Delete that, and the message will go away.

For me this is not the case. I do not have this in my configuration
though I have the same warning (also with version 3.0.12):

root at radius-test-1:/etc/freeradius/3.0# rgrep SQL- *
mods-available/sql:        WHERE Username = '%{SQL-User-Name}' \

No SQL-Group statement there. But in the log:
WARNING: (11) sql: WARNING: Cannot do check groups when 
group_membership_query is not set

>   Or, leave it in, and configure "group_membership_query" so that SQL group comparisons will work.

So I guess this is the only thing I can do to avoid the warning.
Due to my minimized configuration and database content I used:
group_membership_query = "SELECT id from ${authcheck_table}"
Now the warning is gone. But of course it's ugly. :-/


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