new table and query
Johansson, Daniel (GIS)
Daniel.Johansson2 at
Thu Aug 31 08:46:21 CEST 2017
I use FreeRADIUS Version 2.2.6
I want to make a custom table and query for freeradius.
sql is enabled in sites-enabled/default for 'post-auth {sql}'
and postauth_query is populating radpostauth However my 'macuseradd_query ' is not run can anyone tell me why?
I have inserted a new table to my mysql for radius 'authorizedmacs'.
mysql> show tables;
| Tables_in_radius |
| authorizedmacs |
| radacct |
| radcheck |
| radgroupcheck |
| radgroupreply |
| radpostauth |
| radreply |
| radusergroup |
mysql> describe authorizedmacs;
| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| id | smallint(5) unsigned | NO | PRI | NULL | auto_increment |
| macaddress | varchar(12) | NO | MUL | NULL | |
| created | timestamp | NO | | CURRENT_TIMESTAMP | on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP |
I also added a entry in sql.conf
macauth_table = "authorizedmacs"
Then I created query in dailup.conf 'macuseradd_query '
# Authentication Logging Queries
# postauth_query - Insert some info after authentication
postauth_query = "INSERT INTO ${postauth_table} \
(username, pass, reply, authdate) \
'%{User-Name}', \
'%{%{User-Password}:-%{Chap-Password}}', \
'%{reply:Packet-Type}', '%S')"
macuseradd_query = "INSERT INTO ${macauth_table} \
(macaddress) \
It would be much appreciated if anyone can tell me why macuseradd_query isn’t run as postauth_query is.
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