FreeRADIUS 3.0.12 + openLDAP + Apple access point?

Tobias Balle-Petersen tobiasbp at
Thu Dec 7 08:57:41 CET 2017

> (18) files: users: Matched entry DEFAULT at line 63
> What is on line 63 of the users file?
That is my reject. The user should have been matched earlier, because he's
a member of some of the groups mentioned. This works when testing with
"radtest -x -t pap ..." which, I assumed, meant that the problem could not
be in the "users" file?

     52 DEFAULT Ldap-Group == "wifi-cph", Huntgroup-Name ==
     53         Reply-Message = "OK, member of wifi-cph."
     55 DEFAULT Ldap-Group == "wifi-cph-guest", Huntgroup-Name ==
     56         Reply-Message = "OK, member og wifii-cph-guest."
     58 #DEFAULT Ldap-Group == "vpn-copenhagen", Huntgroup-Name == "vpn"
     59 DEFAULT Ldap-Group == "kp-vpn-cph", Huntgroup-Name == "kp-vpn"
     60         Reply-Message = "OK, member of kp-vpn-cph."
     62 # Reject everyone (Who did not match above)
     63 DEFAULT Auth-Type := Reject
     64         Reply-Message = "Sorry, no access for you."

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