Freeradius 3.0.12 problems - mysql pool connections

Michal Tomaszewski Michal.Tomaszewski at
Thu Feb 2 12:29:39 CET 2017

Hi Arran,
Thank you for quick fix!

> Strongly suspect MySQL client bug here.  This is partially user triggered
> though.

Few previous freeradius versions have not such a problem using the same SQL client library and the same query.

> By sticking a crapload of whitespace in front of your INSERT query, you're
> messing up the query prefix detection, so the server is treating it as a select
> query instead of an insert query.
> "Executing select query:                         INSERT "
> I can fix that at least, and have the xlat function trim the whitespace for
> prefix detection.
> As for the rest... I guess mysql_store_result is behaving weirdly when you try
> and get the result of an insert.
> I've changed the way the result from mysql_result_next is used.  Could you
> pull v3.0.x and see if it's any better?

It seems everything is working properly, even in case of queries having whitespaces on front.
Thank you.

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