Unresponsive server when debugging

Lucas Diaz lucasdiaz at eternet.cc
Tue Feb 14 15:39:11 CET 2017

I'm running a 3.0.11 server with Firebird as the backend database. It 
works very well.

I have an issue though when debugging (output to STDOUT): if an 
authentication query hangs or becomes very slow to respond, during that 
period of time, the server becomes unresponsive and it can be seen on 
the log of the nases "Radius server is not responding". Until this 
happens, it works just fine.

If I launch the server without debug, it authorizes all users super fast 
(except the ones that are very slow), but it don't "hang" the server. 
It's like in debug mode threads are not used. Is that right?


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