3.0.12 EAP-PEAP with OpenLDAP group membership and Packet-Src-IP-Address checking

A.L.M.Buxey at lboro.ac.uk A.L.M.Buxey at lboro.ac.uk
Wed Jan 11 20:28:30 CET 2017


> In future we want to enable VLAN assignment via LDAP so we want to use LDAP group membership comparison and combine it with Packet-Src-IP-Address checking.
> Users from LDAP group „Admins“ should be assigned to VLAN 10 (management)
> Users from LDAP group „Operators“ should be assigned to VLAN 20 (operator)
> Users from other LDAP groups „Group-X“ should be assigned to userspecific VLAN which is represented in the LDAP attribute „radiusTunnelPrivateGroupId“.

okay. simple policy

> 1. according to Alan DeKoks suggestions here: http://lists.freeradius.org/pipermail/freeradius-users/2015-April/077171.html
> configured freeradius/mods-enabled/ldap „group“ section for group checking.
> In our case every LDAP user has an LDAP attribute 'gidNumber' which represents its group membership.


> 2. configured /freeradius/users file
> # in LDAP: Admins gidNumber = 111, Operators gidNumber = 222, Users in POP1  gidNumber = 901
> DEFAULT	LDAP-Group == "111", Auth-Type = LDAP
> DEFAULT	LDAP-Group == "222", Auth-Type = LDAP
> DEFAULT	Packet-Src-IP-Address ==, LDAP-Group == „901“, Auth-Type = LDAP
> ...
> DEFAULT	Packet-Src-IP-Address ==, LDAP-Group == „915“, Auth-Type = LDAP
> DEFAULT	Auth-Type := Reject

eugh. none of that old rubbish. just use a policy written in unlang in the post-auth section of 
your inner-tunnel.  ensure that the return attributes are in the outer tunnel
(so the NAS can read that info)

> 3. configured /freeradius/sites-enabled/default
> >no "ldap" in the "authorize" section
> so ldap gets commented here -> #ldap
> >be sure there's "Auth-Type LDAP" in the "authenticate" section
> so	#Auth-Type LDAP {
>      	#        ldap
>       	# }
> gets uncommented here ->
>       Auth-Type LDAP {
>       ldap
>        }

no. you cannot trust the outer ID...anything can be in there
dont enable anything apart from the EAP in the outer

> 4. configured  /freeradius/sites-enabled/inner-tunnel
> authorize {
> ldap
> authenticate {
> #Auth-Type LDAP {
> #        ldap
> # }

LDAP should be enabled for authentication in inner tunnel

> Is there a more elegant way to implement it?


> Is it possible to reduce the LDAP queries exept from sorting the POP listing in users file? (there seems to be a change in 3.0.13 ?)

there was another addition so handle the occasional 'updated' return...the default pre 3.0.13 has served most people ...i guess
the reason you are seeing 2 requests is the authenticate and the authorise.....or its a side effect of the authenticate
in outer tunnel (default) which might lead to another try - if you only auth in inner tunnel then things will be cleaner.


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