Parsing Value with External Script

Jean Tomaz jean_ts at
Sat Jul 8 16:08:12 CEST 2017

Hi, Peter. I will not use the fixed value.
This script is only a test. I will change the script to work with my
dhcpclient program to topology bellow.

[Client PPPoE] <---> [NAS PPPoE] <----> [FreeRadius]<------>[DHCP Server]


2017-07-08 7:29 GMT-03:00 Jean Tomaz <jean_ts at>:

> Hi, Peter.
> I don't found mods-config/files/authorize.
> Only I found the /etc/freeradius/modules/files. It's this file?
> My freeradius version is 2.2.5
> 2017-07-08 0:59 GMT-03:00 Peter Lambrechtsen <peter at>:
>> Why would you want to use an external script. If it's a fixed value per
>> user then why not use files. Then have that match to the user and return
>> the value you want.
>> mods-config/files/authorize
>> ----
>> test_user Framed-Pool := Foovalue
>> ----
>> Then you call files when you need to.
>> I tend to avoid calling external scripts as they are slow and if they
>> crash
>> or memory leak for whatever reason it can take down your whole server.
>> On 8/07/2017 09:01, "Jean Tomaz" <jean_ts at> wrote:
>> I have a question.
>> I need to pass a value to Framed-Pool attribute only to one user, using an
>> external script.
>> My file /etc/freeradius/users
>> user_test Cleartext-Password := "testing"
>>     Auth-Type := Accept
>>     Framed-Protocol = PPP
>>     Framed-Pool = `%{exec:/bin/echo foo}`
>>     Fall-Through = Yes
>> It's not working. What it's happening?
>> Using the freeradius debug the Framed-Pool attribute is appearing empty.
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