FreeRADIUS 4.0.0 and DHCP

Montana Bag montana.bag at
Thu Jul 13 10:17:17 CEST 2017

Hello Alan

> I have a problem with "listen" section for the dhcp module.
> > I download and install last version freeradius 4.0.0 (with github)
>   Please use a stable, released version of FreeRADIUS.
>   Version 4 hasn't been released.  Until it's released officially, the
> only reason to use it is if you're a developer, or if you need the extra
> functionality it provides.
> > Before that, I used freeradius 4.0.0 with the dhcp module and it worked
> > How to properly configure the socket for DHCP?
>   Why are you using v4?

I'm using v4 because of the "map" function, which makes it possible to get
multiple attributes of one sql query.

Thanks for your reply, I will wait for the release FreeRADIUS 4

P. S. Sorry is my bad English.

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