Post Auth and Logging Multiple MSCHAP modules

Arnab Roy arnabroy at
Mon Jun 5 16:16:11 CEST 2017

   Hi ,

   I have multiple MSCHAP definitions in my setup each pointing to
   different ad domains and all is working well. The authenticate section
   is defined as such

   Auth-Type MS-CHAP {
                                                   mschap-a {
                                                           if(reject) {



   Now I am trying to check in post auth if user authenticated via
   mschap-a go to VLAN A(vsa) else goto VLAN B(vsa). What I cant figure
   out is how do I reference these in the post auth block as if I try
   looking for return code from the modules

   mschap-a ===> this always seems to return a noop ?


   Also I need to log in linelog which mschap module authenticated the
   user ?

   Is this possible somehow...

   Many Thanks

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