Crashes FreeRadius 3.0.11 using rlm_rest/libcurl + rlm_cache_rbtree

Alan Buxey alan.buxey at
Wed Jun 28 19:52:47 CEST 2017

first step is to try 3.0.14 as the bug/issue may have already been
fixed in the past year.   if it STILL exhibits issues, you need to
read the bugs
document , follow the steps in that to get relevant GDB callbacks etc.


On 28 June 2017 at 12:09, RANJALAHY RASOLOFOMANANA, Bija
<bija.ranjalahy at> wrote:
> Hi all,
> We are frequently facing a crash of our freeradius server on live production environment (8 times in 2 months).
> The crash can't be reproduced on our test environment so we need help.
> Sometimes, we have a core dump (case 1- the server crashes), sometimes, we don't (case 2- the server freezes).
> Unfortunately, the core dumps don't provide useful informations:
> Here are examples of the core dumps :
> core 1:
> #0  0x00000034b680f5db in ?? ()
> #1  0x00007fa718d066c6 in ?? ()
> #2  0x0000000000000000 in ?? ()
> core 2:
> #0  0x00000034b680f5db in ?? ()
> #1  0x00007f169f94e6c6 in ?? ()
> #2  0x0000000000000000 in ?? ()
> Freeradius version : 3.0.11
> Context : our server sends REST request to a http server to retrieve data which are then stored in a cache during 1 hour.
> The problem started when we added this feature.
> Leads :
> 1- The server logs all http requests that are sent.
>    Somehow, the line log is truncated when the problem appears. Maybe, it is just a coincidence but we are suspecting this part.
>    We use the rlm_rest module + libcurl to make our requests.
>    Have you encountered a problem using those module/library ?
>    We tried to upgrade libcurl from 7.50.3 to 7.54.0 but this doesn't fix the problem.
> 2- In the case 2 (the server freezes), we've got the following message in our log files:
>    Mon Jun 26 22:00:31 2017 : Error: (10180900) Ignoring duplicate packet from client xxx port 21665 - ID: 164 due to unfinished request in component authorize module <our cache module>
>    Our cache module is based on the rlm_cache_rbtree module:
>    cache <cache name> {
>         driver = "rlm_cache_rbtree"
>    Have you encountered a problem using rlm_cache_rbtree module ?
> Thanks for your help.
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