Support Ntdomain and Suffix For Ad authentication

Arnab Roy arnabroy at
Sat Mar 11 17:29:45 CET 2017

   Hi ,

   I am just trying to see if its possible to get usernames of both
   formats to authenticate on FR. Based on the howto

   It seems to be either or in the mschap module. I tried a few
   combination like so in the username expansion

--username=%{%{mschap:User-Name}:-00} --> Domain\username works , but username at d
omain breaks because we are not passing the Stripped username

--username=%{%{Stripped-User-Name}:-%{%{User-Name}:-None}} user at domain works but
 domain\user breaks.

   Any way I can combine the above to expansions and support both username
   formats ..

   Your help is appreciated.

   Many Thanks

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