acct_unique with more than one Class attribute

Andrea Gabellini andrea.gabellini at
Fri Mar 24 10:48:49 CET 2017


as a workaround I tried to use &Class[n] instead of &Class. The Class
attribute is added in the reply as the last thing in post-auth. So if
the NAS doesn't touch the list, probably this works.

Is there a better solution?


Il 23/03/2017 18:33, Andrea Gabellini ha scritto:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to use acct_unique from the default accounting policy with FR
> 3.0.13:
> acct_unique {
>     update request {
>            &Tmp-String-9 := "${policy.class_value_prefix}"
>     }
>     if (("%{hex:&Class}" =~ /^%{hex:&Tmp-String-9}/) && \
>         ("%{string:&Class}" =~
> /^${policy.class_value_prefix}([0-9a-f]{32})/i)) {
>         update request {
>             &Acct-Unique-Session-Id := "%{md5:%{1},%{Acct-Session-ID}}"
>         }
>     }
>     else {
>         update request {
>             &Acct-Unique-Session-Id :=
> "%{md5:%{User-Name},%{Acct-Session-ID},%{%{NAS-IPv6-Address}:-%{NAS-IP-Address}},%{NAS-Identifier},%{NAS-Port-ID},  
> %{NAS-Port}}"
>          }
>     }
> }
> Currently I already use the Class attribute to deliver some QoS, and so
> this policy doesn't work. Any hint to modify it to manage multi value
> Class atttibute?
> Thanks,
> Andrea

Doing nothing gets pretty tiresome because you can't stop and rest.


Ing. Andrea Gabellini
Email: andrea.gabellini at
Skype: andreagabellini
Tel: (+378) 0549 886111
Fax: (+378) 0549 886188

Telecom Italia San Marino S.p.A.
Via XXVIII Luglio, 212 - Piano -2
47893 Borgo Maggiore
Republic of San Marino

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