PPPoE subscriber management

Little Snooze littlesnooze at yahoo.fr
Fri May 5 14:07:17 CEST 2017


On Juniper MX104, i'v configured FR to send these attributes (in case of 
fixed IP for users):

ERX-Primary-DNS   = dns1's IP

ERX-Secondary-DNS = dns2's IP

ERX-Ingress-Policy-Name = OPE1-IN-Filter (filter's name on the 

ERX-Egress-Policy-Name  = OPE1-OUT-Filter (filter's name on the 

Framed-Protocol  = PPP

Class  = default

Service-Type  = Framed-User

ERX-Virtual-Router-Name  = default:default  (logical system : RE)

ERX-Local-Loopback-Interface = lo0.0

Framed-IP = USER's fixed ip
Framed-IP-Netmask =

you need Juniper dictionaries.

it works fine.


On 05/05/2017 13:41, Alan DeKok wrote:
> On May 5, 2017, at 7:39 AM, Marijn van Gool <marijn.vangool at comsave.com> wrote:
>> I have set up and configured PPPoE subscriber management on my Juniper MX80 router. I’m using FreeRadius version 2.1.12. I know it’s old and we’re planning on upgrading it soon.
>> A PPPoE client successfully authenticates using PAP and sends out a Framed-IP-Address ( in the Access-Accept message back to the router:
>> ...
>> Sending Access-Accept of id 174 to port 52772
>> 	Framed-IP-Address =
>    You probably also need to send back Framed-Protocol = PPP
>> The MX80 feels like the FreeRadius server is dead / unreachable,
>    What does that mean?
>> while the connectivity is just fine. Without using PAP and with using an address pool on the router itself, all works fine.
>> But I want to specify the IP address my users get.
>> Is there a different RADIUS VSA I need to use in this regard?
>    Read the Juniper router documentation to see what RADIUS attributes it requires for IP address assignment.  We have no idea how third-party products work.
>    Alan DeKok.
> -
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