Bootstrap portion of 'make install'

Coy Hile coy.hile at
Wed May 10 02:48:30 CEST 2017

Hi all,

I’m trying to incorporate FreeRADIUS 3 into pkgsrc.

In looking at the spec file in

one sees an RPM post-install script that calls /etc/raddb/certs/bootstrap if needed.  Clearly, if one were actually running ‘make install’ in production, that work would be necessary as the Makefile does it.  However, if one is building a package, that step in ‘raddb/’ seems superfluous, and means that one need remove a bunch of ephemeral files from the DESTDIR before packaging.

Rather than having my package build framework let the bootstrap run in the DESTDIR and nuke the artifacts it creates before packaging, is there some setting one can tweak to skip that bootstrap as part of make install?


Coy Hile
coy.hile at

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