radacctstarttime and radacctstoptime is supposed to get the time from the nas?

Diorges Rocha - Radionet Telecom diorges at radionet.net.br
Wed May 24 23:44:51 CEST 2017

My NAS has no internet access and I cant use the NTP to get a the correct

Can I change the radacct to get the time from mysql instead of the nas?

Thank you.


Diorges Rocha
Gerente de TI

Tel.: (67) 3451-4035
Cel.: (67) 9 9924-1781

R. Edson Bezerra, 685 - Centro
Itaporã - MS - Brasil
CEP 79890-000

Estamos presentes no IX.BR de SP. (AS264130)

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