radacctstarttime and radacctstoptime is supposed to get the time from the nas?

Diorges Rocha - Radionet Telecom diorges at radionet.net.br
Thu May 25 03:37:59 CEST 2017

Thank you for your answer.


2017-05-24 18:38 GMT-04:00 Arran Cudbard-Bell <a.cudbardb at freeradius.org>:

> > On May 24, 2017, at 5:44 PM, Diorges Rocha - Radionet Telecom <
> diorges at radionet.net.br> wrote:
> >
> > My NAS has no internet access and I cant use the NTP to get a the correct
> > time.
> Don't be lazy. Setup an NTP server on the management network.  Heck run it
> on the RADIUS server itself.
> > Can I change the radacct to get the time from mysql instead of the nas?
> If you're still intent on being a terrible sysadmin:
> preacct {
>         ...
>         update request {
>                 Event-Timestamp := "%T"
>         }
>         ...
> }
> - to overwrite the timestamp in the request.
> It's a bad idea if you care about accurate timestamps, because when the
> packet is processed != when the event happened.
> -Arran
> Arran Cudbard-Bell
> FreeRADIUS Core Developer
> FD31 3077 42EC 7FCD 32FE 5EE2 56CF 27F9 30A8 CAA2
> -
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Diorges Rocha
Gerente de TI

Tel.: (67) 3451-4035
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