EAP request to FreeRADIUS 3 server backed by MariaDB has empty password

Oliver Webb ow97nospam at outlook.com
Mon Oct 2 23:09:14 CEST 2017

This is the contents of the MariaDB database:

    MariaDB [radius]> select * from radcheck;                                     
    | id | username | attribute          | op | value  |
    |  1 | tu       | Cleartext-Password | := | testp2 |
    1 row in set (0.00 sec)

And this is the radeapclient request I used

    radeapclient -x minos:1812 auth pass < req.txt

With the contents of "req.txt" as

    User-Name = "tu"
    EAP-MD5-Password = "testp2"
    EAP-Code = Response
    EAP-Id = 210
    EAP-Type-Identity = "tu"
    Message-Authenticator = 0x00

As you saw in the question I do not get Access-Accept. Do you have any idea what else could be causing the issue?

Kindest regards,

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