unlang, variable and SQL (freeradius 3.0.15)

petr.linke at seznam.cz petr.linke at seznam.cz
Tue Oct 3 16:19:08 CEST 2017

I try to store result from SQL into local variable to eliminate running same
queries at time.

I prepare following scenario:

1/ define new attribute (will be used for store the result from SQL) in the 
dictionary, attribute type is string (e.g. ATTRIBUTE       SQLRESULT        
        3000    string)
2/ in inner tunnel post-auth section:
update control {
               &SQLRESULT = "%{sql::SELECT count(*) from some_table where ..
if ( %{integer:SQLRESULT} == some_value ) {
elsif ( %{integer:SQLRESULT} == other_value ) {

in debug I can see, that the SQL return some value, and the value is filled 
into attribute &SQLRESULT, but afterwards condition do not match (attribute 
has no value)

(10)         EXPAND %{sql:SELECT count(*) from table where username = '%
{User-Name}' ...
(10)            --> 2
(10)         &SQLRESULT = 2
(10)       } # update control = noop
(10)       if ("%{integer:SQLRESULT}" == 2) {
(10)       EXPAND %{integer:SQLRESULT}
(10)          --> 
(10)       if ("%{integer:SQLRESULT}" == 2)  -> FALSE

Maybe I do not fully understand unlang. Is possible to store the result from
SQL in some variable, and afterward use this variable in some conditions?

Thank you for any suggestion, Petr Linke

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