Update from 3.0.4 to 3.0.13 (RHEL and CentOS 7.3 to 7.4): Reference "${group_attribute}" not found

Bernd bernd at kroenchenstadt.de
Fri Sep 15 10:26:03 CEST 2017


committing an update from CentOS release 7.3.1611 to 7.4.1708 also a 
FreeRADIUS update is deployed:

* 7.3.1611: freeradius-3.0.4-8.el7_3.x86_64

* 7.4.1708: freeradius-3.0.13-8.el7_4.x86_64

Afterwards it fails to start. I found a bug report on this (which hit 
Fedora 22 back then in the end of 2015):


What's the best way to circumvent this? It seems that some 
reconfiguration is needed, but I don't see exactly *where*.

A temporary (surely not elegant) fix is to modify 
/etc/raddb/mods-config/sql/main/mysql/queries.conf, from

authorize_group_check_query = "\
         SELECT id, groupname, attribute, \
         Value, op \
         FROM ${groupcheck_table} \
         WHERE groupname = '%{${group_attribute}}' \
         ORDER BY id"

authorize_group_reply_query = "\
         SELECT id, groupname, attribute, \
         value, op \
         FROM ${groupreply_table} \
         WHERE groupname = '%{${group_attribute}}' \
         ORDER BY id"

in the new 3.0.13 file to

authorize_group_check_query = "\
         SELECT id, groupname, attribute, \
         Value, op \
         FROM ${groupcheck_table} \
         WHERE groupname = '%{Sql-Group}' \
         ORDER BY id"

authorize_group_reply_query = "\
         SELECT id, groupname, attribute, \
         value, op \
         FROM ${groupreply_table} \
         WHERE groupname = '%{Sql-Group}' \
         ORDER BY id"

(as it was in 3.0.4).



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