EAP packets from 2 different upstream servers

Alex Sharaz alex.sharaz at york.ac.uk
Tue Sep 19 10:44:53 CEST 2017

There's not many clients our ORPS boxes talk to

Clearpass on campus
a couple of Fr 3.0.15 boxdes on campus
NRPS boxes
City Centre (rukus) wifi
Yorkshire district hospitals Cisco :-(

All I need is a pointer ..

o.k. tcdump it is

On 18 September 2017 at 20:08, Alan Buxey <alan.buxey at gmail.com> wrote:

> hi,  IIRC the UK national eduroam proxies will ensure that an EAP
> session isnt sprayed to different servers
> but if the next hop up is throwing them to different boxes then they
> cant do anything about that....would suggest
> that you ran a full tcpdump (capture packets in entirety) and view
> them with a RADIUS-capable reader to see
> what the packets are showing you - hopefully the contents will have
> some attributes to help find the source
> of the issues (either from Europe or from a UK site with poorly
> configured RADIUS server... i'd go for NPS box with
> basic loadbalance values that mean it sprays but it could equally be a
> FreeRADIUS < 2.2.6 box with load-balance enabled
> for EAP :(  (thats if the source IS from the eduroam side....)
> alan
> -
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