Bind radius client requests to a database

Ti Ti tt91em at
Fri Sep 22 17:10:04 CEST 2017

2017-09-22 16:41 GMT+02:00 Alan DeKok <aland at>:

> On Sep 22, 2017, at 10:30 AM, Ti Ti <tt91em at> wrote:
> > I mean that the requests and accounting of radius client that uses the
> > password "pwd1" have to go the the sql1, the requests of client with
> > password "pwd2" on sql2 and so on.
>   I have again no idea what that means.
>   Perhaps using *standard RADIUS words* would be useful here.

 Sorry for the terminology.
 My purpose is to obtain this result:
 A NAS, so the radius client, make an auth or acct request to the
freeradius server; this server has to discriminate the requests using the
nassecret and them forward to the right sql database. Each sql database has
its own radcheck, radactt etc.

> > In my case the clients can have dynamic IP,
>   RADIUS doesn't support dynamic IP addresses for clients.
> Is it possible to use on the nasname of NAS table of each sql

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