Timestamp missing in debug_level=1

CALMELS, Thierry (SOGETI REGIONS SAS) thierry.calmels.external at airbus.com
Tue Apr 3 17:29:54 CEST 2018

Hello freeradius support team,

We have currently a new infrastucture using freeRadius 3 (freeradius-3.0.13-8.) on RHEL7.

By default, the events in radius logs are not enough for troubleshooting purpose.
We want to get a verbosity log level sufficient (not too high, not too low) without having to switch in debug_level=3.

That why we think that debug_level=1 in radiusd.conf is a good compromise.
Unfortunately, when this debug level is enabled, we haven’t timestamp information.

Can you please tell us how to add this timestamp or there is a mean to adjust log verbosity.




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